Friday, 25 February 2011

Paralysed by Indecision

On Tuesday I received an email from Sportcam with a link to the pictures taken of me at the Brighton Half Marathon.  I look close to death in most of them but there is one where I am actually smiling and look as though I am enjoying myself. 

Like school photos there are various options to chose from if you want to own these images, printed or downloadable or on CD, individually or in groups and of course the prices vary with the unit price cheapest if you buy all the images. 

I seem to have lost my ability to make a decision when faced with this abundance of choice.  There is only one image that I would willingly display anywhere but a little greedy demon keeps pointing out to me that I could obtain that picture for a lot less if I agree to buy a dozen that I don't really want along with it. 

I seem to be facing a similar dilemma in other areas and wonder if that is part of getting old or if I AM STUCK IN A RUT and don't know how to get out.  Do I dare sacrifice a little security for the chance of a more endurable existence?  Not sure yet - watch this space.

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