Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Other interesting bits of the day

After 27 months the Shannon v St Dunstan's case is finally over with an award of costs to St Dunstan's in the sum of 3,500 costs to St Dunstan's.  An award of costs in the ET is rare so this is quite an achievement and vindication of the Charity's actions.  I hope interest the Third Sector in reporting this interesting development.

A week's break from training ended today with a 50min run that was quite hard.  Orginally planned to be 90min but had to be cut short for fear of relapse due to over exertion.  I've got my number (538) for next Sunday and a tag for my shoe to clock exact timing to be reported in paper. 

The run made me so tired I couldn't manage dancing tonight so practising the rhumba and quickstep we learned over the weekend in Bournemouth will have to wait. 

Here we are at the end of Saturday evening after a dinner with some interesting and funny people and dancing including a few dances with a strange man who nobody knew and who left as suddenly as he had arrived.  The dance weekend was fun but 2 nights was enough, especially as I had a cold and had a limited number of hankies with me.

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