Saturday 9 November 2013

BU Media School Graduation 2013

Matthew Paul Williams BA Hons; James Hughes Mulligan BA Hons; Lawrence Edward Davies BA Hons.

It seems like a few minutes ago that Adrian Lawrence and I set off to choose a university and now he's graduated, got a job and moved to London.  Of course it wasn't all plain sailing but judging by the noise in the room yesterday it was worth every study session, late night, hangover, red bull, desperate phone call and £ spent.

Lawrence and I travelled on the same train from Waterloo to Bournemouth, new suit safely stowed in the overhead rack. Because of the peculiarities of the train ticket booking service my ticket was cheaper in first class so we had to chat through the communicating door, dodging the train manager from time to time but the new suit got a first class ride and we remembered to retrieve it at Bournemouth.

Abby graduated on Thursday so we celebrated that at The Edge with the Tarrants.  Abby's grandad Bill became unwell during the dinner and had to leave with Jill, Caroline and Richard but I am delighted to hear that he has made a full recovery and I hope we get the chance to raise a glass with another time.
Abby, her brother Harry and the Davies continued to have a lovely meal unspoiled by the fight over the bill and associated wine juggling or the Pencilgate incident in the lift on the way in.

Up early Friday morning greeted with a text from Lawrence at 8.16 'I'm up and en-route to BIC'.
Very reassuring as when we went to bed at midnight he went out (with his suit) for more fun with friends.
What it is to be 22 and look so fresh after hardly any sleep and a lot of partying under your gown!
The official proceedings were impressive with lots of funny hats and brightly coloured gowns, bowing and procession.
The graduands all set in the stalls and the hangers on in the dress circle.  I loved the part when the Vice Chancellor Prof John Vinney asked them to turn around an applaud all the people who had supported them in various ways during their time at BU and they did so with great enthusiasm.
We had lunch at WestBeach and all the officials from the ceremony were sitting at a table behind us (we were too discreet to take pictures so you will have to take my word for that).
All in all an event to remember.
Well done all the BU 2013 grads.
Here's hoping the future is as bright at the last 4 years have been!

checking stocks?
Where did my hat go?

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