Friday 6 January 2012

Bloodstream by Tess Gerritsen

Gerritsen reminds me of Frances Fyfield with this book and probably because I am English I find the latter more to my taste.   Fyfield's colours are not quite so bright and the reader is introduced to more of her character's history and personality.  The overt medical knowledge in Bloodstream is no doubt factually accurate and a delight to medical readers but I found it slightly intrusive and distracting from the story.

This book is a good holiday read and I think I would have enjoyed it more if I'd been able to read it on one sitting (preferably on a sun bed beside a pool under a hot sun) but I preferred Harvest which I found a real page turner with an intriguing plot that resolved satisfactorily.   Bloodstream leaves me wondering about the connection to 100 years earlier and whether the shiny worms in the water were the same ones in the cave and how that seems a very strange variety of worm.   I think this would probably make a very good drama and I will try another book by the same author.

Better get back to my tidying up before returning to work next week now.  Or perhaps I'll just finish the book I'm currently reading instead.

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