Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Woman in the Fifth

This is the sort of story where you have to be careful not to give the end away as that would spoil it for many people.  I don't think I've read any of Douglas Kennedy's other novels but I think I'll give another one a go as I found myself taking this one with me to the shops - a good sign.
Not having read him before the twists in the plot came as a surprise to me and some of the places Kennedy takes you in this book feel quite real, then in retrospect rather surreal.  Lorraine L'Herbert's salon is a truly bizarre picture, I'm sure if I ever found myself in such a place I'd be out on the balcony having a fag planning an early escape.
I wouldn't want to meet any of the characters, they are a pretty grim lot without redeeming features that I could detect. There are some unexplained events - not sure what the chlamydia is all about and who gave it to him and why its in the story.  And why the lung damaging fire? At times I felt that this was a bit of a contractual obligation story but I enjoyed it notwithstanding this.

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