Monday, 13 February 2012

The Sense of an Ending, Julian Barnes

Winner of the 2011 Booker Prize (I didn't discover this until after I had read it) and given to me for xmas, along with the rest of the shortlist, by my lovely sister.

It's an interesting story populated by a group of rather unlikeable characters.

I didn't see the twist in the tail coming and it worked as an ending for me but I'm not sure I understand what the £500 was about.  I think it captures very well how people misunderstand each other and particularly how youth can be so utterly selfish.

My engagement with the story flagged a bit in the middle I pressed on and found myself enjoying it again towards the end.

I recommend it as choice for reading groups.  Its well written, quite short and full of interesting themes for discussion.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully-written novel about relationships and what we do and don't know about others. This book is memorable as well as enjoyable.
