Monday, 31 October 2011

Great South Run 2011 - Made it!

Running is an interesting leisure activity.  It's not all that much fun when you are actually pounding the streets but the endorphins are rather addictive, along with the guilt free carb loading and the excuse to wear stretchy clothes in public (during and after events).

Great South Run 2011 - weather not quite as cool as I would have liked but the sight drizzle (and the run through shower) kept me cool.   Having expressed a goal of coming somewhere between 2:15 and being swept onto the pavement when the roads were opened I am pleased about coming home in 2:04 in 14856th position out of a field of 24,000 and 1059th position for my age group.   I did not enjoy the first half of mile 9 much, uphill (slightly it has to be admitted) and into quite a strong headwind but I was so close to the finish by then I was running on adrenalin.

The event is brilliantly organised (there can never be enough toilets) only gently inclines and downhill stretches and taking in the historic dockyard.  Part of the route is through a residential area and the local residents were lovely and supportive and some had put signs on their cars and in their gardens.  Live music seems to come up just when you need it most and good humour is the order of the day.

In fact I enjoyed it so much I immediately signed up for the Dublin 10K and by the end of today I will probably have signed up for the 2012 Great South.  Pictures to follow.

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